Get Your Priorities Straight

Socially awkward? I feel you, apart from a few close friends, any conversation usually ends up in me being in a scramble for words and a spillage of stutters… This of course means nothing, face it, talk to people, you’ll speak better (eventually) and learn things along the way.

This happened to me today, I attempted to initiate a conversation with someone I know decently well, smiled, then proceeded to follow the scenario described above, and finally, was reminded about how society is plummeting to rock-bottom. Fun.

This “masterpiece” of a conversation lead to me being introduced to a plot from a 1915 novel “The Metamorphosis”, originally written in German, recounting the tale of a man who transforms into a bug, and instead of tackling the obvious problem, and trying to become human again, starts to worry about how to get to work, or support his family, leading to a less than desirable fate. Such a narrative can undoubtedly have a much more perceptive interpretation, but I don’t fancy myself qualified for such a task - instead, I’ll talk about the obvious message - Get your priorities straight!

The concept of delayed gratification is widespread through both mainstream beliefs and human nature - for example, many religions providing a greater reward for those who have the patience to fulfil their priorities throughout life. It is also seen through our day to day lives in the sense that struggling and preparing before an event, results in a greater pleasure and sense of completion after - such as studying for an exam, leading to the happiness of better results. This is a direct result of doing the correct things at the correct times, i.e. priorities!

Getting your priorities straight means, putting that extra bit of effort in, that struggle, that you don’t necessarily want to face, to have a far superior outcome ahead, instead of aiming for bursts of short lived “happiness”.